Saturday, April 10, 2010

Organic Debate

I have had some people question the choice of Organics. Some people, even the little stocker guy at Publix told me that Organics aren't any better they just cost more.

Well, I am not an expert but let me share a couple of personal stories about food additives that hit home with me and make me want to try at least to limit the various chemicals that I have been putting into my children's and my body.

When I was in my twenties I lived in Germany attached to the 11th ACR with my now X-husband. He was in the army. I worked with a girl who's husband had become very violent. He was physically abusive in a terribly scary way. But if you met him he was a doll. He was very sweet and helpful. No one could understand that out of the blue he would have these mega-violent outbursts which caused him enormous trouble in life obviously. While in Germany he went to a doctor who began testing him for allergies because he was having other troubles with sinuses. While testing for allergies regarding sinuses they tested him for other allergies and found that he was allergic to MSG. MSG, from what I understand, is a food additive added to many, many things we eat all the time. Chinese food is the one thing that comes to my mind when I think of MSG. But there are many other things too.

This was told to avoid MSG at all costs. When he asked why it was so important the Doctor told him that it would effect his mental state. It could cause him to act out violently, be delusional, etc. He and his wife were amazed. I don't even remember his name, but I do remember the outcome of the story. He started avoiding MSG and his violent behavior completely stopped. We knew it was the MSG because one night we ordered Chinese in and that night when they got home Lisa called me crying saying they got into a fight on the way home and he had put his foot through the front door when he couldn't get it open fast enough. I called the restaurant and asked if their food had MSG and they said yes it did. So there you have it. Chemicals can do all kinds of random things to us we can't even begin to understand.

Another example I have come across hits more close to home for me. I have a daughter who is now almost 12 years old. When she was just 10 years old she started her period. I was completely shocked. I started at 12, my mother started at 12, my grandmother, my sister Cami, with whom I grew up. Why was my kid starting so early? It worried me, she just wasn't old enough mentally to handle it. Well then I spoke to my mother and my younger sister who is now 23, I think also started at 10 and so did my sister who is 26. Is this an odd coincidence? Well according to my daughter's pediatrician, it isn't. It is widely understood that the meat we eat is treated with antibiotics and human growth hormones. So is milk. So because of the human growth hormones our children can physically mature faster. I don't like that we didn't get to vote about whether or not it was acceptable to add this chemicals to our foods. Our government is approving the safety of these products they know the side effects but they don't share the informaiton on the package and we don't get to choose.

What do you this about this topic?

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