Monday, April 26, 2010

When Life Gets In The Way...

Dieting is never easy. Then you throw in life and it gets real interesting. Being a Gemini, born in the year of the monkey, I don't have a chance of being consistent. I am always all over the map. Well, this is no exception. Being a single mother of two, money is always and issue and this issue raised it's ugly head this week. I did some extra things last month that have come back to bite me this month. You might ask how does money affect your diet? Well, let me explain, first of all to eat healthy it costs more. The amount of calories I have to eat to maintain weight loss is 1400 calories. The biggest myth in dieting is the less you eat the more you lose. That is completely untrue for me. This weekend I completely reverted to diet so all day and a salad at lunch. Well, I didn't lose any weight. Then yesterday, I had pizza and soda...well, next day you pay. I am bloated from the soda and very irritable. I gained back 1.5lbs and I feel awful.

During the last two weeks of losing and drinking my water, using OL, I felt amazingly better. But now I feel fat and grumpy. I will prevail and move forward, but the stress of not having enough money to take care of my responsibilities is also taking me to the limit and stress is proven to be a factor in weight loss. So while I recoup and get back on track please send me positive thoughts and I will meet you on the other side of this set back.

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